Thursday, March 13, 2008

Message for Sarah

Since email is still out and I can't get a phone card that works (we've been having problems with phone cards) I'll have to use this blog to send a few messages to Sarah. So if all the rest of you can kindly turn your heads the other way, here goes.....

  1. I miss you. In a country of 1.3 billion it hard to feel alone, but without you here it's an awfully empty place.
  2. Dress size 3x seems to fit Alice OK
  3. Instead of buying lots of trinkets, I'm trying to pick a few good quality souvenirs of the trip. Today we went to the big Wuhan museum and I bought a really nice bronze working replica of the famous Wuhan bells. They fit in a case that looks like a soprano sax case. They should look really good on the living room fireplace mantle (I checked with Jane Ottman first who said yeah, they would look amazing on someones mantel. They were a bit pricey, but I think well worth it. I also bought a wall hanging (painted scroll) a little smaller that the kids scrolls. It's a hand painted picture of "Winter Blossoms in East Lake" with the calligraphy of a poem about the lake written by a famous Song Dynasty poet. Please let me know if this is the wrong strategy.
  4. We're been able to contact Ma Rae and she will look into a scroll for Alice. It might not be exactly the same as the others, but I was thinking that if it was different we could hang it in the middle with the other scrolls on either side - please advice though your dad's email what you think.
  5. I haven't got the girls dresses yet and will probably wait until her are back in Beijing. Does it matter if the dresses come from Hubie?
  6. Anything else you want me get?
  7. Did I mention that I miss you - I do ....

RE: Alice

I forgot to mention it earlier, but she has all the stuff we sent months ago through Children's Bridge. She has the backpack, book, unicorn etc. And this stuff really means something to her. When she is feeling stressed about being here she retreats to the corner and flips though the Curious George book. It's a little weird that something we sent from Canada is what she chooses to reminder her of the orphanage.

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