Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Friends

Here are some shots of some new friends. The little girl with Grace is named "Ally" (not sure of the spelling). She is travelling from Canada to China to pick up her new sister - sound like anyone you know? She and Gracie hit it off like a house on fire - they coloured together on the floor of the airport while we got our bags, made faces on the bus, and ran round and round the hotel lobby looking so darn cute that they changed the hostess'es artificial smiles into real ones. Our guide is named "Lily"(sp?) and she was the guide for Ally's adoption. Her parents speak highly of her, which is good because the guide makes the whole trip work. Well that's it for me for now. Glenn has just arrived with a take-out box of vegtable beef something from the noodle hut across the street and I'm going with wash it down with a can of "Yanjing Beer" (Inspire the world, Taste the dream - Beijing 2008!)

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